Process of Sugarcane Delivery for 2015-2016

The SICB through the SCPC and SIRDI will be monitoring the delivery of sugar cane to the factory to determine the origin of the sugar cane yield. This will provide vital information to ascertain accuracy of the production estimate and field productivity surveys to estimate field production. As part of this process, there will be 3 options to obtain cane field data.

  • Option 1: Farmers delivering cane to the factory can identify the parcel from where the cane is coming from using maps stationed at the division queue. The driver will receive a usual queue ticket which will include the parcel ID Number. Tickets can then be deposited as usual at the SCPC Ticket Booth at the Tower Hill Factory.
  • Option 2: Drivers, harvesting group leaders or farmers can identify the parcels in the SIMIS computers at the SCPC Ticket Booth. Thereafter, drivers can proceed to deposit the ticket at the SCPC Booth at the Tower Hill Factory as usual.
  • Option 3: Harvesting Group Leaders (HGL) can register with SIRDI to obtain their maps with the parcel ID. HGL can then prepare their own tickets and deposit theticket at the SCPC Booth as usual.

Cane farmers: it is important for you to have your parcels registered under SIMIS to obtain results. If you don’t have them registered, you can register them at the SIMIS/SCPC Ticket Booth at the Tower Hill Factory.

Posted on June 12, 2017 .